Wednesday 30 April 2014

Tube Strike!

The 2 day tube strike has turned up some funny comings and goings. Having been witness to many tube strikes over the years, none of them pleasant, this one is more amusing - and busy - than most. 

Trains getting to work have been as usual, but had noticed one commuter who was clearly expecting to arrive at work very late actually prepared a bowl of cereal mid-journey - seriously, I kid you not! 1 packet of Weetabix, polystyrene bowl, pint carton of milk and 2 sachets of sugar for topping - and coffee of course - genius!! 

The real fun started at City Thameslink station - streets were packed with people walking who couldn't get a bus (I was one of them!) who also couldn't walk a straight line (I wasn't one of THEM!) insisted on texting or calling on their mobile while dawdling along like they had all day and me trying to overtake them in a most frustrated way (I'm a trainer - I can't be late for class), runners running through crowds like slalom skiers, novice cyclists who we're trying to keep up with the more seasoned cyclists and looking exhausted, and lastly but by no means least, there were the tourists who were completely oblivious to the goings on. 

By the time I got to work I surely needed a rest!! 

Getting home is no less of a chore - walking down High Holborn was busy so found a couple of good shortcuts (thanks Google Maps) and got a train home ok. 
This evening however was a different story! No one seemed to have any sense of direction so walking aimlessly around - pubs spilling out onto the street (commuters probably thought they'd need some Dutch courage to tackle the journey two days on the trot) and the poor guy handing out the Evening Standard getting jostled around as if was a giant skittle!!  Then they send a 4 coach train which was already more packed than a Turkish Dolmus Abd somehow commuters tried to get squeeze into the available cm's of floor space. I thought "I don't think so matey!" and stepped away to wait for the next train. 10 minutes later I have a train home and I have a seat - YAY!! Not luxury but at least not packed into the tin can they call a train like the proverbial pack of sardines. 

Now, I breathe....

Tuesday 22 April 2014

The day after Easter...

Morning everyone, 

I hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend. Weather-wise it wasn't bad but time to relax and forget about the Monday to Friday routine for 4 days was nice. 

So today, it's back to normality and that means the usual array of madness, frustrations, fun and frolics start all over again. 

This morning starts with the Doctor surgery where I experience the first taste of the madness that awaits me today. First, I arrive at 8.25am for my 8.30am appointment. I stand in the queue to check-in and end up standing there 10 mins while a woman tries to beg for an appointment this morning and would not accept any of the slots available. Then another queue forms to sort the overflow - all I wanted to do was say "I'm here!" but instead it was moan after moan. Finally get checked-in at 8.35am and them had to wait for the doctor which ended up being 20 mins late. So much for "you're the first patient in" and "you'll be in and out very quickly". Hmm... At least the doctor was helpful and didn't hurry me out the door...

So, I'm now late and resign myself to the fact that I've missed the 9.01am. I decide to go and get a coffee from the new kiosk and wait 27 mins for the next train. I get a coffee at the princely sum of £2.20 and my hand was immediately scorched at the heat from holding the non-insulated cup. The guy was reluctant to give me another napkin to put round it so I said "one of these days some person will scorch their hand and sue the ass off you" - he gave me a few napkins - that's more like it!! 

We're on the short train, a 4 coacher which is nowhere near long enough for the amount of passengers, and there's a party of 3 females (I can't call them ladies on account of their lack of vocabulary) - Nan, Mum and Daughter. Daughter is talking about smacking people in the mouth and kicking heads in (very ladylike) and the Nan is talking about claiming compensation for this, that and the other.  Mum is just loud and the volume is louder. Lady opposite me is fiddling with her earphones which are very tangled. (How do earphones get so tangled do easily? You put them in your pocket/bag tidily and when you take them out they are a pile of knots - it's one of life's mysteries, that one!) 

Daughter is now saying "this has got to be the slowest train in the world..." indicating clearly that she doesn't get the train often because by comparison, today, it's actually quite fast and we're running 3 mins early! 

As we leave Peckham Rye station, a girl on the platform is wearing a smart school uniform accompanied by bright blue patent Dr Martins - just stand out a bit. I quite like them and her non-conformist manner, although they'd look ridiculous on me. 

Well, the day ends and am on the way home - lots of tired, somewhat depressed commuters lining the platform to get on their train and more have coffee than usual. I'm sitting opposite an old couple who have a mobile phone and really don't know what to do with it. Perhaps it's new to them but the wife said "can you send a telex with it?" (How many of you remember what a telex is?!) - the husband responds correctly "yes love but it's not called a telex anymore, it's a text message" to which she responded indignantly "same thing!" Which made me chuckle silently. 

It's a bit like musical chairs this evening. The seat next to me has exchanged bottoms about 7 times and not even halfway home yet! There's a guy whose trying to get attention as everything he's wearing is red: red shoes, red jeans, red jumper, red scarf, red baseball bat - he looks like a great big strawberry!! I would ask him for his newspaper but not until he's "red" it (sorry!)

Well, home now and off to my SW group to see how I did this week. Hope today has been fun for everyone in whatever form that has been. 

See you tomorrow!! 

Thursday 3 April 2014

Mariah's here!!

Morning everyone! 

After yesterday's chaotic journey home I'm pleased to say that normal service is resumed and we're *enjoying* a nice smooth journey in this morning. I'm reading Metro with interest when a lady gets on the train and had to have a double take because she looks like Mariah Carey but not only looks like her, she acts like he too with her hand mannerisms as if she was singing one of her hit songs. She's speaking to someone on her mobile on hands free so It's quite amusing because she looks like she's talking to herself and her fingers are  moving up and down Mariah style. 
I have to say I haven't seen this for a long time but a middle-aged man (probably 55-60) in a suit has just started chewing on a strawberry flavoured bubblegum and us blowing some sizeable bubbles! 
Lastly, I think the profession lady in pinstripes a couple of seats away hasn't slept in a year because she's yawning so frequently, at least one yawn every couple of mins, it's quite distracting. It's a shame she doesn't think it necessary to cover her mouth as she does so - does nothing for her image with her mouth open very wide with every yawn. Not a happy dungeon in there I can tell you!! 

As I'm coming to London Blackfrairs station I'm passing an office block where there are two window cleaners dangling on ropes which put a moment on panic in me. I think you need nerves of steel to so that job. I wonder what drives them to take their career in that direction. Do they wake up one day and say "today I'm going to become a window cleaner for a very high London office block!" I dunno. I wonder how much it costs to do all the windows on an average block. Could you imagine the face of the office manager when presented with the bill? "Good morning sir, that'll be just £22,000 please". Could you imagine cleaning all the windows on the Shard?  You're in a meeting and then you look out the window to see a window cleaner dangling on just a thin rope whistling away to himself. And what if he dropped his wiper - bet that would be slightly annoying especially if he was in the 88th floor, chuckle, chuckle. 

Anyway, just thought if share that with you. On that note, have a great day!! 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

A little too much...maybe?

Happy Friday everyone - it looks like today is showing the sun nice and early. Speaking of showing things, young lady opposite me is showing an inappropriate amount of flesh, top and bottom, which is making a lot of people feel quite unhappy, strangely moreso the guys but she seems oblivious to it. 

Something that I've noticed recently is that ladies are becoming less bothered about the state of their hosiery when wearing short skirts - it's a shame because I think it's about presentation: If you wear a smart suit then good hosiery completes it, however a lady opposite has more ladders than a DIY store. Not good!

On the subject of smart, one thing that stands out for me this morning is the 3 young gentlemen standing at the end of the carriage all looking very smart and one who has the full Clark Kent look. Very nice to see...but I fear I'll be thinking about Superman all day...

Anyway, I'm feeling quite weary this morning and I can tell that's the case for a good few people. Taking advantage of the quiet carriage and extra seats, a lady is fast asleep and the guy opposite her is lightly snoring - I know which station they get off at so will wake them if they don't wake themselves - the beauty of seeing the same faces every morning. Like me, they know how to party on a school night  but that's what it's all about.  

Just passing The Shard and I think it's the first time I've seen it all the way to the top - most days it's covered by cloud. Not sure I like the design at the top very much but the building itself is pretty awesome. It's nice to see London buildings on your journey - I can also see the "Walkie Talkie" and the Gherkin - so many different designs and each stands out in its own way. Makes the journey better when you have a clear sky to appreciate them more. 

Have a great weekend everyone! :-)


The Lady loves her Doritos

Good morning everyone,
Firstly sorry for the lack of travel meows for last few days - been I'll so have been too tired to write. I'm still recovering but I'm back!

So this morning is a beautiful sunny morning and a food few people have ditched their coats In favour of lighter jackets and there are a few sandals too. Very encouraging. But one lady is wrapped up in winter coat with bit woolly scarf, hat and gloves - and the hearing is on! She must be freezing!!

I'm observing an amusing lady sitting across the way - I'm going to call her Dorito Lady because she has an enormous pack of Cheesy Doritos in her hand. She clearly loves these crisps because she picks just one, holds in front of her in admiration of its triangular shape, roughened edges and inviting cheesiness and then she bites just the top, crunches, slowly bites another bit, crunches and finishes it, savouring every moment. I have to confess (and I'm sure most if you will nod as you read this bit) but when I have a pack of yummy crisps as these, I just grab a small handful and cram them in. My way of savouring taste :-) 

Well, it's all about the ladies this morning and the lady opposite me is getting some iPhone tuition from her daughter and she is asking things like "what is an app?" and "how do I send a text?" so this is clearly all new to her. Daughter is doing good job though. 

Lovely sunny scenery as we travel through Catford onto Crofton Park.  I'm hoping it stays this sunny all day. Don't quite understand why such glumness on the train though... I'm smiling so hopefully it will start to catch on. Well, if I can smile in the face of cold/flu I'm sure you can too :-) so make it a big one!!! 

Monday 24 March 2014

Choccy Digestive, anyone...?

I've always been fascinated by how gadgets actually interfere with social skills and relationships. This morning a couple gets on the train opposite me - they held hands but no smiles or anything, they sat down and the first thing they did was put their newspapers in their bags and got out their iPads and started reading their emails. The first smile I saw was from the lady who seemed amused by a Facebook post. Husband is watching a video. They haven't said a word to each other in over 20 minutes. Now, done would say that I spend a lot of time on FB etc but.. If I was on the train with my partner I would chat to him, not get my iPad out. Sad, isn't it.  

Other than that I'm observing a 20 year old Neanderthal wiring his way though a WHOLE large packet of chocolate digestives. I'm not sure whether I'm jealous or not that he can have that many and I can't touch one without morphing into the Michelin Woman. But the way he's eating them is disturbing. I doubt he's enjoying them (I tend to savour every bite of these naughty but very nice treats) but pretty much cramming as much biccie in as possible and crunching open-mouthed - while talking to is mate opposite so bits are flying everywhere. Quite disgusting! 

Train is getting quite packed now - Wifey has still not uttered, grunted or otherwise to Hubby and over the back I can hear a mobile disco - man listening to dance music up very loud and sharing it with us all... Loving the bright yellow headphones! 

Well, it's a beautiful Monday morning and a lovely clear blue sky again - even Peckham looks lovely in the sun. Here's to a great day everyone :-)

Oh, and if you see any great observations on your train/bus journey that you'd like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below. 

See ya later!!  

Choccy Digestive, anyone...?

I've always been fascinated by how gadgets actually interfere with social skills and relationships. This morning a couple gets on the train opposite me - they held hands but no smiles or anything, they sat down and the first thing they did was put their newspapers in their bags and got out their iPads and started reading their emails. The first smile I saw was from the lady who seemed amused by a Facebook post. Husband is watching a video. They haven't said a word to each other in over 20 minutes. Now, done would say that I spend a lot of time on FB etc but.. If I was on the train with my partner I would chat to him, not get my iPad out. Sad, isn't it.  

Other than that I'm observing a 20 year old Neanderthal wiring his way though a WHOLE large packet of chocolate digestives. I'm not sure whether I'm jealous or not that he can have that many and I can't touch one without morphing into the Michelin Woman. But the way he's eating them is disturbing. I doubt he's enjoying them (I tend to savour every bite of these naughty but very nice treats) but pretty much cramming as much biccie in as possible and crunching open-mouthed - while talking to is mate opposite so bits are flying everywhere. Quite disgusting! 

Train is getting quite packed now - Wifey has still not uttered, grunted or otherwise to Hubby and over the back I can hear a mobile disco - man listening to dance music up very loud and sharing it with us all... Loving the bright yellow headphones! 

Well, it's a beautiful Monday morning and a lovely clear blue sky again - even Peckham looks lovely in the sun. Here's to a great day everyone :-)

Oh, and if you see any great observations on your train/bus journey that you'd like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below. 

See ya later!!